Words hurt!

“Whoever guards his mouth preserves his life; he who opens wide his lips comes to ruin.” Proverbs 13:3 I think in today’s society this is something that we overlook the negative impact our actions and words can have on others. I’ve always known that I have struggled with anxiety but haven’t really been open about…

The beauty in the world

Do you ever find yourself sitting outside just staring at the sunset thinking about how great God is that he would place colors in the sky like that every night? That was me tonight, except along with that I took it as a symbol from my grandpa. I have seen a lot of people posting…

Just more thoughts

Do you ever have those days where you’re just feeling really good about yourself? Just in general about how you look, feel and act? And then someone just goes and says one thing and ruins it. That was me today. I like most women struggle with self confidence and body image, so going to the…

The importance of alone time

I never really used to value being alone quite frequently as an only child. I always wanted a friend to play with or someone to hang out with but as I get older I realize the importance of alone time. Sometimes it’s the difference between blowing up on someone and being totally sane. Being an…